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Eighth Day Of Dashami Festival

Issue 41, October 13, 2013

By KTM Reporter


October 12, 2013: today is the eighth day of the Dashami festival in Nepal. Devotees visited the field shrines of almighty Goddess Durga Bhavan all over Nepal. Dashami is the 15-day festival. So, Nepalis have been the half way through the Dashami festival


Today, businesspersons, artisans and professionals cleaned up their instruments of business, and drew auspicious symbols on them with the lime solution, and the amber in oil. They made offerings to those instruments.


Owners of vehicles such as cars, trucks, busses, and tractors cleaned up those vehicles, and drew auspicious symbols on them, and then they made offerings to the vehicles. Some of them made the offerings of animal sacrifices to the vehicles.


Devotees continue to visit the field shrines of Goddess Durga Bahvani in different names throughout the day today.


Tonight, sacrifices of 55 male goats, and 55 male water buffaloes are offered to the Goddess Durga Bhavani also called Taleju Bhavani at the ancient palace squares in the major ancient towns in Nepal.

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